(PREORDER) MTG: Bloomburrow - Starter Kit

(PREORDER) MTG: Bloomburrow - Starter Kit

Regular Price $25.99

Product Type : Sealed Product

Hurry! Only
units left in stock!

As a Prerelease Store most people will be able to pick up this item a week early starting July 26th, 2024. Earlier orders will be given priority.

The regular release date is August 2nd.
1x Bloomburrow Starter Kit
1x Black Knight Games Hero's Reward Card
  • LOOKING TO HOP INTO MAGIC?—Everything you need to play your first game of Magic: The Gathering is right here. Shrink down to critter size and battle for the Valley with two pre-built 60-card decks.
  • TINY TAILS, BIG ADVENTURE—Put your best paw forward and enter the world of Bloomburrow; fight beside adorable critters and prove that bravery comes in all sizes!
  • LEARN TO PLAY MAGIC WITH A FRIEND—Perfect for your first Magic game, teaching friends and family, or just a fun game night, learn how to play with the included Play Guide or the interactive online tutorial in Magic: The Gathering Arena
  • TWO READY-TO-PLAY 60-CARD DECKS—Buff up an army of woodland creatures to overpower your opponents with the Hare Raising deck or send your Otter friends surfing past your foe’s defenses with the Otter Limits deck
  • COLLECT RARE CARDS—Kick off your collection with 2 Mythic Rare cards that gleam with a shining Traditional Foil treatment, plus 8 Rare cards (1 Mythic Rare and 4 Rares in each deck)
  • PLAY IN PERSON OR ONLINE—In addition to physical decks, this kit includes codes for 2 people to unlock both decks and play each other online in MTG Arena (available on desktop or mobile)
  • PLAY A GAME THAT FUSES ART, STORIES & STRATEGYMagic: The Gathering is a collectible card game that weaves deep strategy with art and mechanics that explore the themes of a particular world and story—whether you want to play a casual game with friends, collect cool cards, or get competitive, Magic welcomes you to The Gathering

Shrink down to critter size and battle for the Valley with two pre-built 60-card decks, each with one Mythic Rare card and four Rare cards to begin your collecting adventure. The included booklet will teach you the essentials, and you’ll be ready to play in no time! This Magic: The Gathering Starter Kit also contains two deck boxes to store your cards, four double-sided tokens (2 with each deck), two double-sided reference cards to aid you as you play (Turn Order/Attacking & Blocking), and two Magic: The Gathering Arena code cards to unlock both decks for two people to play online. (Code expires June 23, 2029.)

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Black Knight Games
[Re: Privacy Compliance Officer]
864 Mohawk Rd East, Hamilton ON L8T2R4, Canada