(IN-STORE ONLY) Lorcana: Ursula's Return - Illumineer's Quest Deep Trouble

(IN-STORE ONLY) Lorcana: Ursula's Return - Illumineer's Quest Deep Trouble

(IN-STORE ONLY) Lorcana: Ursula's Return - Illumineer's Quest Deep Trouble

Regular Price $79.99

Product Type : Lorcana

Hurry! Only
units left in stock!


Due to limited availability from our suppliers, we are also capping the amount of products each person will be able to purchase.


  • 1  x  Booster Box per person
  • 3  x  Booster Packs per person
  • 1  x  each Starter Deck per person
  • 1  x  each Deck Box per person
  • 1  x  each Sleeve Pack per person
  • 1  x  Playmat per person
  • 1  x  EITHER: Illumineer's Trove OR Illumineer's Quest per person

We'll be posting on our social media whenever we get restocks (and if/when purchase limits change), so please keep an eye out!

A storm has been building in the magical realm of Lorcana. A powerful Ursula glimmer, unleashed from the Great Illuminary, is at last ready to put plans into motion. How far will the sea witch go to gain power over all Lorcana?

Face an opponent like no other! In this thrilling Disney Lorcana TCG experience, you must stand against Ursula and her entangled glimmers even as her powers increase. Cunning as ever, the sea witch plays by her own rules—and with her own all-new special deck. Try all four difficulty levels! 

With the contents of this box, you can take on Ursula’s forces solo or cooperatively with a friend. You can also add up to two more friends with decks to your side, for a total of four players. Players can use any standard Disney Lorcana deck. 


Deep Trouble comes with two preconstructed player decks*, featuring the sorcerer Yen Sid of Disney’s Fantasia and the brave Mulan. Player turns occur at the same time, so coordinate with your team, using abilities and effects on each other’s glimmers to ruin Ursula’s schemes.

*Up to four players can join in total, with the addition of any two standard Disney Lorcana decks (sold separately). Standard Disney Lorcana rules available at disneylorcana.com.


The sea witch will use all her powers to protect her lair against the Illumineers! Designed especially for the Illumineer’s Quest Deep Trouble, this gold-backed deck features entangled glimmers and mighty natural disasters. Ursula also plays by her own rules, and her powers increase as each move she makes brings her closer to her ultimate design!


Where will you fight Ursula: at the site of your first encounter, or at her lair, where her powers are the greatest? Battleground cards determine how difficult the encounter will be, while giving Illumineers unique abilities at the cost of lore. While the first two battlegrounds are great for starting out, two more are included to give players even greater challenges with Deep Trouble.


  • 1 Oversized Ursula Card 
  • 1 Ursula scenario deck (50 cards) with a unique card back 
  • 2 Prebuilt Disney Lorcana TCG decks (60 cards each) 
  • 2 Oversized, double-sided battleground cards 
  • 1 Deep Trouble playmat 
  • 1 Ursula draw token 
  • 3 Lore tracker tokens 
  • 29 Damage counters 
  • 1 Secret Victory card 
  • Deep Trouble rules sheet*

*Disney Lorcana TCG rules and additional decks not included.

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