Announcing a new league hosted by Black Knight Games, Knights of the Path! Set in an alternate dimension to our iconic Knights of Blackwood and Knights of the Red Dragon Inn settings, Knights of the Path serve to protect and explore the world of Blackmoor. Knights of the Path sets out to create a new setting for folks to play in for Pathfinder 2nd Edition as we explore a new world full of intrigue and adventure!
The Game: It is a momentous occasion for the City of Blackmoor, as it is the opening day for the Knights of the Path, a guild of adventurers and explorers willing to tackle any quest for gold and glory. Their first contract is to explore the wilderness of the Black Moors itself. What denizens of the largely untamed wilderness will they find? Are they friend or foe? Who knows, but you can be sure the Knights of the Path will find out!
This adventure is an introductory adventure for level 1 characters. Pre-generated characters will be available for use, but also feel free to create and bring your own! No prior knowledge of the game is required to play.
Entry Fee: $8, Pre-registration is required (walk-ins can be accommodated space permitting). Cancellations with less than 24 hours will not be refunded.