Draft the latest MTG set!
When: Friday, June 23rd, 6:30pm – 10pm
Entry Fee: $30.00 / 8 Hero's Rewards
Format: Draft, 3 Rounds, No Cut
Prizes: 1.5 Packs/players are added to the prize pool. Prizes are distributed based on overall record, with the same record earning the same prize. Players going 2-1 or better will receive a prize of at least one pack. Prize packs may be traded in for $5.00 store credit at the end of the event.
Promo Packs: For any weekly MTG event that lists ‘Promo Packs’ we will add one of the most current series of Promo Packs to the prize pool for any X-0 Players (perfect record – no loss no draw).
Bounties: Any player that goes undefeated in one of our weekly tournaments gets their name added to the Bounty Board for the next week, and a Hero’s Reward will be distributed based on how they do in the next week:
• The first person to beat them earns the Hero’s Reward.
• If they go undefeated again, they get the Hero’s Reward, and will be a ‘Bounty’ again next time too!