Yu-Gi-Oh: Legacy of Destruction Booster Pack

Yu-Gi-Oh: Legacy of Destruction Booster Pack

Yu-Gi-Oh: Legacy of Destruction Booster Pack

Regular Price $5.24

Product Type : Yu-Gi-Oh

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What kind of legacy will you leave? Cement your legend as a top-level Duelist with the latest core booster from the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME (TCG) Legacy of Destruction!

Revisit memorable moments from the tear-jerking final Duel between Yugi Muto and Atem with new versions of Silent Magician and Silent Swordsman, a new monster with artwork that features all three of the original Gadget trio, and new cards like Card of Sanctity and Ties of the Brethren featuring artwork that shows all of these new monsters and the bonds they share. Look out for a brand-new version of Gandora the Dragon of Destruction that can destroy and banish all other cards on the field, and then Special Summon a monster from your Deck!

Trident Dragion was first unleashed in Raging Battle back in 2009, and now in Legacy of Destruction, a new FIRE Dragon theme inspired by this titanic Synchro Monster makes its debut. Fill your field with FIRE Dragon monsters to unleash relentless attacks and then perform Synchro Summons during the Battle Phase! You can finish Duels quickly when you Summon back this theme’s gigantic Dragon Synchro Monsters from the Graveyard, anytime three or more attacks have been declared!

Listen to the melody of brand-new “Melodious” cards! Listen closely and you’ll hear the song of a pair of new Pendulum Monsters that swing into action after you use them to Fusion Summon and they’re added to your Extra Deck, alongside a brand-new Fusion Spell and 2 new Fusion Monsters to go with it!

The “Voiceless Voice” Ritual Summoning strategy debuted in Phantom Nightmare with a re-imagining of the classic Ritual Monster, Skull Guardian. A new awe-inspiring version of the Ritual Monster Saffira, Queen of Dragons will join it in Legacy of Destruction, along with a brand-new Continuous Spell Card that recycles your cards, enables further Ritual Summons, and empowers the monsters you Ritual Summon with it, shielding them from being destroyed by battle!

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