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Foul Frenzy
Blood Bowl

Entry: $35 (Includes pizza lunch!)
When: Saturday July 13th (Doors open at 8)
Submit your roster to info@blackknightgames.ca with the subject line (Your Name) (NAF ID) Foul Frenzy Roster

Registration: 8:00 am - 8:30 am

Opening Announcements and Pairings: 8:30 pm - 8:45 pm

Round 1: 8:45 am - 10:45 am

Round 2: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Lunch Break: 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm

Round 3: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Round 4: 4:15 pm - 6:15 pm

Prizes and Closing: 6:15 pm - 6:30 pm

Foul Frenzy - Da Roolz

Cheating is Winning!
Players will score points for doing damage to their opponent’s team through fouling! The player with the most Foul Points at the end of the tournament will automatically receive the 2nd place trophy. Foul Points are awarded as follows:

Stun: 1 Point
K.O.: 2 Points
Casualty: 4 Points

Get the Goat!

This tournament was created for Goblin fans to watch senseless violence, and while fouling isn’t for everyone and the refs don’t expect all of the teams to keep up with the Goblins kicking boots, they do fear the crowd more than the players.

To keep the fans happy with the refs, if a touchdown is scored by a team who has not attempted to foul during the drive, the player that scored the touchdown is marked as the “Goat.” Any successful fouls targeting the Goat will score double the foul points. The Goat can only be redeemed by attempting a foul themself, at which point the Goblins and the ref will stop cheering for their demise, and bonus points will no longer be awarded.

Team Building

Tier 1 (1150k & 06 SP, maximum 1 secondary skill):

Chaos Dwarves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Shambling Undead, Underworld Denizens.

Tier 2 (1160k & 07 SP, maximum 1 secondary skill):

Amazons, Norse, Orcs, Skaven, Wood Elves

Tier 3 (1170k & 08 SP, maximum 2 secondary skills):

High Elves, Humans, Necromantic Horror, Tomb Kings, Elven Union, Vampires.

Tier 4 (1180k & 09 SP, maximum 2 secondary skills):

Chaos Renegades, Khorne, Old World Alliance, Slann, Gnomes*.

Tier 5 (1190k & 10 SP, maximum 3 secondary skills) :

Black Orcs, Chaos Chosen, Imperial Nobility, Nurgle.

Tier 6 (1200k & 11 SP, unlimited secondary skills):

Goblins, Ogres, Halflings, Snotlings.

Primary Skill = 1 SP, Secondary Skill = 2 SP

The same player can be given a maximum of two skills. The second skill given to a player costs 1 additional SP. There is no limit to how many times a skill may be repeated on a roster.

*Gnome tiering may be adjusted as we progress closer to the event date

Rosters must have 11 players before hiring Star Players. Coaches may only hire star players that have at least one of the following skills

Dirty Player

Sneaky Git


Secret Weapon

Available Inducements Include

0-1 Weather Mage for 30k, available to all teams.

0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs for 50k each, available to all teams.

0-3 Bribes for 100k each, or 50k each for "Bribery and Corruption" teams.

0-1 Josef Bugman for 100k, available to all teams.

0-1 Mortuary Assistant for 100k, available to teams with the

"Sylvanian Spotlight" special rule.

0-1 Plague Doctor for 100k, available to teams with the

"Favored of Nurgle" special rule.

0-2 Wandering Apothecaries for 100k each, available to teams that can

include an apothecary.

0-1 Master Chef for 300k, or 100k for Halfling Teams.

0-1 Giant for 350k

0-1 Night Goblin Shaman for 150k, available to all teams



2nd (aka, Best Fouler!)

Wooden Spoon

Best Painted

Best Sport

Most TDs

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

This is a NAF event, players are required to be NAF members. Find out about the NAF here: https://www.thenaf.net/about-the-naf/join-the-naf/

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[Re: Privacy Compliance Officer]
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